GOA DAMÃO & DIU in Festival da Lusofonia 2008

Núcleo de Animação Cultural de Goa, Damão e Diu, (NACGDD), representing Goa Damão and Diu will participate in the traditional Festa da Lusofonia, organized by Instituto para os Assuntos Cívicos e Municipais (IACM), as over the years. However this year with a greater participation from all Portuguese speaking countries including China, with a full week celebration, upgraded to “Festival da Lusofonia 2008”-Semana Cultural da China e dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (Cultural Week of China and Portuguese Speaking Countries), which will be held between 3rd and 9th November 2008, in Macau.

For the first time since the past 11 years of our participation in this popular Festa da Lusofonia, “Tuna Goesa”, lead by Goan musician of repute Orlando de Noronha, to the voice of Goa’s sensational singer Sonia Shirsat, well known for their enchanting music, not only in Goa but also on the international stage, will be performing in Macau for the first time at the “Festival da Lusofonia 2008”.

As part of the week long festival, “Tuna Goesa” will perform at Largo de Senado, side by side with Maria de Barros (Cabo Verde) and Grupo de Danças Tradicional Lo’o (Timor –Leste), between 19:30 and 21:30hrs on 4th November 2008.
A dinner will be hosted on 5th November at 7:30pm at the Ocean Club, in honour of our musical guest “Tuna Goesa” together with our community as well as members of the Portuguese speaking countries and friends of Goa, Damão and Diu in Macau.

The highlight of the Macau tour of “Tuna Goesa” will be at the Amphitheater of Taipa Houses-Museum, on 7th November 2008, between 20:30 and 24:00hrs, sharing the stage with Grupo de Danças Tradicional Lo’o (Timor –Leste) and O2 (Angola). As in the past 10 years the Grupo de Danças e Cantares de Goa Damão e Diu in Macau, this year by special request, will also give a short performance on 9th November, this year accompanied by “Trio Orlando”.

Our Goa, Damão and Diu pavilion will display its yearly prize winning real size replicas and this time its the magnificent Portuguese heritage the Fort Aguada Lighthouse, with the theme being "Memória de uma Cultura"-Memory of a Culture.

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